Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crossing over to the dark side (well, it's sort of a light violet gray)

Dr. Really Cool Dude (former Medical Director of my soon-to-be-ex clinic) said I'd be entering a "different world" and I'm looking forward to the move to Downtown Hospital in a couple weeks. Of course, it didn't help that while Dee and I were out with some of her ED buddies last Saturday, one gal called it a "zoo" over there and another one piped up about stories she'd heard. Hey girls, try not to overwhelm me with a pep talk; it's too late for me to un-quit my current day job.

Like I said before, I'm excited. It's a terrific pre-nursing opportunity: inpatients and RN's galore. Plus I already have a healthy respect (pun intended) for the mental health field, so Psych should be a perfect fit. Wish me luck, folks!

"I never promised you a rose garden. I never promised you perfect justice and I never promised you peace or happiness. My help is so that you can be free to fight for all of these things. The only reality I offer is challenge, and being well is being free to accept it or not at whatever level you are capable. I never promise lies, and the rose-garden world of perfection is a lie...and a bore too!"

--Deborah Blau's therapist in I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg