Friday, September 19, 2008
awww good am to you too
Reply: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May and summer's lease hath all too short a date... But thy eternal summer shall not fade ~ T and Shakespeare
Text: What R U wearing?
Reply: LOL
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
a thousand words blah blah blah
September 17, 2007's posting isn't too bad although there's remnants (circa 2005 blogging) of my ruminating, writing, and revising in Lunatic-Trapped-in-the-Attic fashion. A picture is going to have to do given my current mood--which is still a frank improvement over being cataclysmically depressed and angry at the world. Thank you, Cosmos.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I'm a Health Care Voter! Are YOU?

One of the few residents who was home on a Sunday, and came to the door, and accepted our literature... claims Mama don't like Obama. Boss Lady puffed out her chest, declares "I'm a grandma, and I support Obama." Turns out that (number 1 - undecided) Just Your Average Joe has a dinner party to get ready for, but he'll think about it.
Boss Lady Recruiter wondered aloud about his Americorps paraphernalia: Average Joe is a fan of Mr. Bill Clinton's legacy of public works? Then again, there was also evidence of Joe's NRA membership, a Thirteen Colonies flag displayed on his front porch. As the day wore on, we got better at starting out talking fashion (versus trying to quietly interpret mixed signals and alliances). To the (number 2-leans Democrat) daily commuter with the Group Health *race 2008* shirt: "Have you heard that Local Medical Center is donating 600 bicycles to its employees to encourage would-be cyclists?". As for the guy who opened the door in his underpants (number 3-erm, not home) , we're told he'll show the pamphlet to the Missus as soon as she returns from Dreamland.
At the end of our rounds, Boss Lady asks if I'm interested in joining the vanpool another time, for additional meetups with the suburban masses. Not sure if I'd rather volunteer for over-the-phone canvassing instead, it'll depend on a combination of work/school commitments and Metro bus schedules. Anyways, before she dropped me back home, I let her know that I enjoyed the fact that she was wearing "A Woman's Place is in Her Union" T-shirt that day.