Six word MeMe instructions knabbed from Professional Mirror (aka Dr. Medusa)
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere {Tag}
4. Tag five more blogs with links {I'll pass}
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play! {ibid}
She appreciated the birds and bees
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Cafe Study Date
Gabrielle has disappeared on me to lounge singley on the black pleather loveseat in the back, while I decide to stay put at the table that we've crammed wtih laptops, smuggled ziploc bags of veggie chips, and a pricely bought plate of Today's Coffee House Special: housemade raspberry chiffon cake.
By August's close, she'll be heading for an East Coast post and Hello, if you keep comparing me to Kermit the Ribbit, who do you suppose is going to respond to long distance calls about that the peeps around you being all partnered to Professor Prince Charming (each harem consort sporting 100 precious tadpoles) and H-to-the-N-O you don't feel like lighting incense at your neighborhood temple. Come to think of it, it was only yesterday that you revealed a longterm Catholic affiliation, and didn't yer mom just ship you a basket of Easter treats over school break. I happen to prefer dark chocolate nibs over milk kisses myself. Mmm...
Ahem. For the record, soon after Phoney Girlfriend blotted her Research-1 contract we decided to eat out at an Asian fusion restaurant where I drank excess sake and inaugurated my first epic hangover in, like, decades. Sure I'll check out your guestroom asap, Angel Face, despite the fact that your pet name for me sucks ass royally.
"Custom Designed Hawaiin Hibiscus" available for import from
Ahem. For the record, soon after Phoney Girlfriend blotted her Research-1 contract we decided to eat out at an Asian fusion restaurant where I drank excess sake and inaugurated my first epic hangover in, like, decades. Sure I'll check out your guestroom asap, Angel Face, despite the fact that your pet name for me sucks

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Lounge Lizard Dayz
A holiday bonus brought home from the hospital 'cuz filched, outdated New Yorkers are often Irritable Bowel's vogue companion.
Summer Fiction Issue
June 11 & 18, 2007
Final Destination, The A-list archive: Why do the archives of so many great writers end up in Texas?
The subtitle's rhetorical drivel, r$ight?
An examination of the ageless, priceless (yes, no?) MOTHER-DAUGHTER SUBJECT from none other than the mastermind behind The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. My personal favorite in the bunch.
Marie Micheline, a family in Haiti
Danticat provides a nostalgic (using the adjective with regard to dangerous Noble Savage fantasies) tribute to her transatlantic origins.
[F]or the first time I hadn't finished my homework. I gave Marie Micheline the note, thinking that she'd go easier on me than Oncle Joseph or Tante Denise. The next morning, when she got to the school, Marie Micheline took my very slim and prim teacher, Ms. Sanon, aside, and under an almond tree in a c orner of the bustling recess yard, whispered in her ear for five minutes.
"What did you tell her?" I asked Marie Micheline as she walked me back to class with a broad smile on her face...
Two biographies of Hillary Clinton
Carl Bernstein's bio, Woman in Charge, challenges the early foundations of HC's reformist agenda. Kolbert herself states that over the years, the senator's "unromantic [How about "glamazon, micromanaged"?] styles alone have probably generated more headlines than most congressmen". Double rats, after reading Bernstein's article I now wish I caught the climate journalist's impassioned (or 'convincingly peeved', as reported by a classmate) Town Hall speech on global warming.
Summer Fiction Issue
June 11 & 18, 2007
Final Destination, The A-list archive: Why do the archives of so many great writers end up in Texas?
The subtitle's rhetorical drivel, r$ight?
An examination of the ageless, priceless (yes, no?) MOTHER-DAUGHTER SUBJECT from none other than the mastermind behind The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. My personal favorite in the bunch.
Marie Micheline, a family in Haiti
Danticat provides a nostalgic (using the adjective with regard to dangerous Noble Savage fantasies) tribute to her transatlantic origins.
[F]or the first time I hadn't finished my homework. I gave Marie Micheline the note, thinking that she'd go easier on me than Oncle Joseph or Tante Denise. The next morning, when she got to the school, Marie Micheline took my very slim and prim teacher, Ms. Sanon, aside, and under an almond tree in a c orner of the bustling recess yard, whispered in her ear for five minutes.
"What did you tell her?" I asked Marie Micheline as she walked me back to class with a broad smile on her face...
Two biographies of Hillary Clinton
Carl Bernstein's bio, Woman in Charge, challenges the early foundations of HC's reformist agenda. Kolbert herself states that over the years, the senator's "unromantic [How about "glamazon, micromanaged"?] styles alone have probably generated more headlines than most congressmen". Double rats, after reading Bernstein's article I now wish I caught the climate journalist's impassioned (or 'convincingly peeved', as reported by a classmate) Town Hall speech on global warming.
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